It's inspiring to see people like this move from silicon valley into the consciousness space. I suspect there are far more folks in the corporate world who are moderately successful and interested in doing work to help heal our society, but are financially constrained.

To me it's obvious that the biggest problem with convincing the average technocrat that there is valuable knowledge outside the standard rational framework is that so many people who go into this consciousness space tend to go way overboard. We need to do a more step by step, piecemeal approach if we want to convince people.

I respect what Steve is doing, but despite my own mystical experiences I can't help but cringe when I look at his website:


The first blaring message you see in large bolded font is: GET YOUR OWN PSYCHIC INSIGHTS

Scott, I hope it's clear to you that if any of your peers that have power and influence in the tech world saw this, they would run screaming the other way.

If I had millions of dollars to throw at the problem, what I would do is fund people who are highly rational and skeptical but still open to mystical experiences. From there I'd work to build a bridge slowly from the rational materialistic mainstream worldview, to a more nuanced and spiritual one.

People like Jonny Miller (http://www.jonnymiller.co/) are a good example of this.

For folks reading this who had the same reaction as I did to the website Scott linked - you aren't alone! And Scott I hope you understand all of this is said in a constructive mindset. I truly want more people to open themselves to new experiences, but I am tired of seeing poor messaging around this topic. We won't get anywhere if we keep jumping overboard off the ship of rationality the second we find something that doesn't make sense.

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Thanks for your perspective Thomas!

I kind of have a different perspective. I think all teachers out there have an opportunity to meet people at the different vistas of experience. The technocrat rationalists will resonate with material that might be different than people who are deep on the path. It's probably a backdoor concept like meditation for stress management etc. Perhaps Steve is trying to serve the latter audience? I for one do not find it interesting to talk about "early spiritual concepts" like how to meditate or basic mindfulness. What feels most authentic for me to is openly share what is emerging for me. There is a portion of people that will serve who are probably already on this path, and then a portion of ppl it won't resonate with. The call for the person sharing information is to share what is most authentic for them and helpful to who they want to serve. This also means all people can be teachers.

I don't know that Steve is focused on serving the technocrat rationalist so I don't know that he really cares that his current copy might be alienating them. Maybe that's not his calling. I know it's not mine. I talked a lot about aligning consciousness to audience in this post if the topic interests you:



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Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I definitely could've been more nuanced here.

> What feels most authentic for me to is openly share what is emerging for me. There is a portion of people that will serve who are probably already on this path, and then a portion of ppl it won't resonate with. The call for the person sharing information is to share what is most authentic for them and helpful to who they want to serve. This also means all people can be teachers.

That point is absolutely fair, and I respect you sticking to your calling and what feels authentic. I suppose to put it another way, I feel called to serve the technocrat rationalist, as I see that group as one of the most powerful in our world. And I'm very much convinced of the idea that we need to convince the powerful, rather than the masses, if we want to have any real change on short to medium timescales.

Now I agree that both paths are important at some level, but after delving into the consciousness space I don't see too many people who are taking the approach of Al Hubbard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Matthew_Hubbard) and going directly to people in power. You mention meditation and stress management etc, which is certainly in the right direction, but I'm skeptical of the lens of just using meditation to manage stress to make you better at business. I'd like to cleave reality more at the joints, and talk about the ends technocratic rationalists are focused on.

Do you know any other folks who feel a similar call to me, and want to bridge the gap starting more on the rational, scientific side but still believe in a non-materialist world?

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Thanks for your sharing more and really cool you feel called to this! A few people that stick out to me are:

John Churchill - https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/john-churchill-the-three-strands-of-awakening/id1057220344?i=1000625110989, https://samadhiintegral.com/

Joe Hudson -https://artofaccomplishment.com/

Joe Dispenza - https://drjoedispenza.com/

These guys ground stuff in more approachable concepts, but the ideas have lots of crossover.

My sense is the top down people in power will arrive at spiritual material through executive coaching and psychedelic exposure. It's kind of already happening. The coaching field is overlapping more and more with spiritual concepts is what it feels like to me esp w/ groups like the conscious leadership group

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Excellent thanks for sharing all of these resources! And I am optimistic that some of this coaching is happening in the background as well, but I want to help it if I can.

Really appreciate you being so responsive - keep it up Scott. Doing great work.

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Hi Scott, I'm a fan of your work, and I've noticed our newsletters have some similarities :) Let's connect and support each other! Keep up the great work!

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We should organize society, our public school systems and job training programs, around the concept of collective ownership instead of private businesses.


If every worker got in exchange for their professional careers everything that they needed to have a happy, balanced life in a safe and healthy world governed by fair laws and modern practices, then our use of science and ethics to generate daily goods and services, as basic human entitlements, will have fulfilled the purpose of socialism: to ensure “universal protections for all by all” without using money anymore or national currencies to uphold private capital, maintain structural wealth, or support banks and financing and other profit-making activities.


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I think you’d enjoy talking with Tom Morgan at Sapient Capital. He has a Substack and I interviewed him about his spiritual emergency. I can connect you if you like

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I'd love to chat with Tom! Thanks for thinking of me bud

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