I’m thrilled you here.
I believe the greatest human adventure is discovering your true Self and what you came here to contribute. This journey occurs through expanding awareness and the evolution of consciousness.
If you’re like me, at some point you’ve felt a calling to more thoroughly explore this part of your life. Yet there’s confusion on how earnestly pursuing it jibes with your current existence and the life you want to create for yourself.
Society fills us with all these ideas about spirituality that make this process more difficult. These include:
If you’re serious about spirituality you need to give something up or drop out of life
Spiritual development will make you less effective and passive
You need to be doing something spiritual with your life and career to evolve
I was fortunate early in my journey to find a teacher and lineage that offered a different perspective on spiritual development. Instead of dropping out of life, I was advised to use everyday life and my reactions to it, as the primary practice to deepen my awareness and realization. By taking this integrated approach, something I never anticipated happened. I noticed that the more I could see myself and reality clearly, the more I could apply my updated understanding to create positive outcomes in my life.
It started to become clear that all the limitations in my life, from my ability to realize my highest contribution, to cultivating the untapped human capacities that we all have, was all just a function of my awareness and the information in my consciousness. It became obvious that my awareness and consciousness were the primary determinants for my life. This made me realize that both human potential and well-being are a direct function of consciousness evolution. In fact they are all the same thing.
The purpose of this newsletter is to share lived insights and experiences for those earnestly exploring the expansion of consciousness who also want to thrive in the modern world. My hope is you can see how these aspects of life can be integrated and work synergistically. As you uplift yourself, you are better resourced to contribute and uplift others.
Over the past 6 years that I’ve been on my own spiritual journey, I’ve found that striking the balance between consciousness expansion and thriving in a modern world to be incredibly nuanced. At times I longed for many of the perennial teachings to be grounded in a more relatable context and to have a community of other people who were going through similar transformations that I could connect with.
My hope is that the ideas, stories and community offered here will enhance your own transformation journey and exploration of consciousness.
Why subscribe?
Free Subscribers will receive:
Weekly posts outlining various consciousness concepts, stories, and insights
Podcasts interviewing top thought leaders and entrepreneurs pushing the boundaries of the human experience
Occasional videos that break down consciousness topics
Paid Subscribers will also receive:
Monthly conscious community calls where we gather to discuss as a group and discuss spiritual transformation while living a modern life.
A 100+ book spiritual self-study library that includes notes, highlights and takeaways from over 100+ consciousness and spiritual books.
Mediation library with practices for releasing suppressed emotions, tapping into intuition, and transforming unhelpful patterns
Occasional subscriber only essays on things I don’t feel comfortable sharing publicly on the internet
(Those unable to pay but keen to engage should please reach out to me.)
Who I am
For most of my adult life I was a hard charging entrepreneur. Five years ago, while running my tech startup Troops I had a massive spiritual opening that took over my life. In ways I would have never anticipated, the exploration of consciousness became the most important part of my life. This forced me to learn how to the balance rapid spiritual evolution while running my business which we eventually sold to Salesforce, the 5th biggest business software company in the world.
Along the way, I’ve learned many lessons about how to earnestly pursue consciousness evolution while continuing to be an effective person in the world. I feel a strong calling to help people on a similar path and create a bridge between the business world and the magnificent potentials that emerge with inner transformation.
So far my attempts to do that include writing this newsletter, working on a book, hosting the EvolutionFM podcast, creating community for entrepreneurs into spirituality, teaching a course on intuition, and hopefully more pursuits that unfold!
It is my honor to create these things and hope that they serve you and your highest expression.
Much love & blessings