Hello Scott,

I just finished reading this series in one go after having these open taps for months. But I believe that life has perfect timing.

Thank you for taking your time and writing all of this! Until you mentioning him, I haven't heard of David Hawkins yet. I am intrigued and want to read his books next.

Many things you described resonate with me. I had, for example, a very similar experience with alcohol. Also becoming more aware of my body, especially in combination with my menstrual cycle, was a game changer over the past year.

Being like 3-4 year in my spiritual journey, it is getting fun and interesting, because I am starting to get glimpses into what else there is (e.g. strikes of intuition, moments of total inner peace and calmness, connectedness to everything around me). Even though some periods of inner work are just so shattering and disorienting, I am too curious to find out what is possible to stop.

I am going now to experiment with the muscle testing and the consciousness map!

Thank you again!

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Thanks Nadine! I'm glad you found this supportive. I've found no other journey more interesting and enriching. I highly reccomend David's work. I'd start with power vs. force and then go from there. Letting go and the maps of consciousness were my two other favorite books of his

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Thank you for sharing your experiences and insight. I have just read all of this series and I found it in perfect timing!

I felt I was in that “messy” stage of spiritual growth. It’s like having one foot in an old life but the other foot has already stepped into the new.

I had got to a point where I just wanted to cover my eyes but they were already wide open. I wanted to go back but I know I can’t!

I know now that I must carry on and in doing so I will eventually feel love and peace within.

Thank you Scott

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I have been there and in many ways continue to be there, though feel more settled in.

I'm glad you found this helpful. David's framework really helped me make sense of my experience

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Incredible work and approach to these concepts and topics!!!

I am building a vision to unite all human consciousness into one inneractive database that displays real time results for the support of ascension. Today I was researching the most complete studies and indexes of Hawkins works when I came across your writings. Would you be available for a deeper dive?

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Thanks Samuel. That sounds interesting. I'm pretty focused on a few of my own projects right now, but always happy to establish the connection to learn more at an appropriate time. You can email me at jscottbritton@gmail.com

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Fun, incisive series! It deeply resonated, in possibly more than one context :D

Have you revisited subjects you weren’t initially granted permission to calibrate?

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Thanks! I have only for testing the consciousness of Robert Adams, one of my favorite authors of “Silence of the heart” and everytime I would get a “no”. Consistency was fascinating

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Haha silence from the heart about ''Silence of the heart''! I'm reading that ''no'' permission as a joke from the Source.

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Perhaps! : )

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Just added that to the kindle reading list as well as PVF! Excited to read more on the topics you teased at the end of the series btw—and any other themes you're guided to explore.

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Hi Scott, just finished reading this series. I have read about half of Power vs Force and listened to a nbr of talks from Dr. Hawkins on youtube and found this series very insightful. Since one associates things with there own experiences - i can associate with the experiences you describe of observing feelings and see them go away, due to having the good fortune of learning and practicing vipassana as taught (for free) by Goenka ji. Pls look it up (dhamma.org), i feel it teaches the process of observing/dissolving quite eloquently and is a perfect companion to Dr. Hawkins work. Thanks.

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Thanks Satbir! Cool to meet another Hawkins fan on here. Definitely familiar with Dhamma.org. They do great stuff : )Happy you found it and it is serving you

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Thank you for this insightful and thought provoking series Scott. This detailed account of your experience was exactly what I needed at this very moment. I can't wait to read further explorations of these concepts in future posts. You've given me much to contemplate and put into practice. I am left spiritually energized, full of intent and overflowing with hope. I have always imagined it would be quite helpful to have a "guru" resonating much higher on the consciousness scale, to help with growth and guidance. Sometimes the path is overwhelming, and a gentle nudge or guidance during a pivotal time would be quite beneficial. Did synchronicity align you with the guru you mentioned above, or did you seek one out? I ask, because I do feel like I have been in the presence of humans resonating very highly, but how does one transition into a learner/teacher relationship in this instance? Are there places you have found best for seeking out individuals willing to help others on their personal path of expanding consciousness?

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I am so happy to hear that this came to you at a time of need.

I think anyone that entertains this path at one time or another will find it overwhelming. It can be a rocky road, but trust that things will become more clear, and it is worth it.

I did not seek a guru. I was mostly looking for someone to help me figure out what the hell was happening to me with the kundalini energy and just happened to get introduced through a coworker to my teacher. It was all very synchronous. My view is that the right teacher comes into our life when we are ready for it. I'd just explore your natural curiosities through conversation, events, research etc and I imagine you will collide with this person when you are supposed to...so all you need to do is trust! : )

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