Dang, this is comprehensive and a wonderful resource. Thanks for putting this together Scott! I hope you keep it updated ;)

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Thanks man. I felt like this needed to exist! Appreciate you checking out. Will be fun to watch the space play out

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Very comprehensive indeed. Love these observations.

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Thanks Paul!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Scott Britton

Such an incredible and comprehensive layout + loved the way you framed each category. Thanks sm Greg and Scott for putting this together!

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Thanks Mel! That means a lot coming from you. We both are huge fans of headlines and everything you are putting out into the world!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Scott Britton

Wow. Very impressive. And encouraging... given the current level of consciousness operating in of most of humanity. Thanks for sharing this.

Having been gifted so much from meditation, eastern philosophy such as the yoga sutras, and plant medicine ceremonies these past 11 years, I’m genuinely stoked about all this.

One small concern I have is that some of these VC backed ventures feel a bit too much in the realm of the typical business mode of monetizing anything and everything. I wonder what is being done with more humanistic values than P&L focus?

Thanks for showing up beautifully in this world and giving your gifts so openly honest and authentic. Loved your interview with Trish B also! Bravo!

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Thanks Derek. It's a great call out. I think there's definitely people who are more driven by dollar signs $$ than unshackling humans from greater levels of realization, love, and joy. Ultimately, the values are derivative of the leaders of these companies. This means that all these companies will behave differently, but it's a good place to try and get a pulse if possible to understand context and where the heart of the company is. My mind goes to listening to a podcast interview the founder before seriously investing in something

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The language of religion and spirituality in general and of Orthodox Christianity in particular has become a 'foreign language' for most people and, as such, has become incomprehensible to most of us.

Besides that, it has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and misrepresented for so long that most of us simply disregard it altogether and end up 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater'.

These articles are my attempt to 'translate' this foreign language into something more comprehensible.

I would be interested to see what you think about them.


Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing Steven. The link does not work

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You mention Hallow and Pray as Christian consciousness-expanding apps, and that piqued my interest quite a bit actually. I've recently been taking Christianity a little more seriously as a repository of wisdom, and have found a lot of extremely interesting parallels to states of consciousness that for instance, Buddhism discusses more directly.

Do you know any writers or resources out there that specifically discuss expanding consciousness within the context of a Christian framework?

If not, I might be interested in writing a bit about that...

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Yes, I would look into Christian Mysticism. I also like this book that talks about the mythos of Jesus. Many people believe Jesus went and studied with all these great teachers and then the church wiped it out of the history books, hence the long gap in what happened between age 12-30



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Yes, I would look into Christian Mysticism. I also like this book that talks about the mythos of Jesus. Many people believe Jesus went and studied with all these great teachers and then the church wiped it out of the history books, hence the long gap in what happened between age 12-30



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This summary and review was very insightful. Thanks Scott and Greg. Please check our supplements in the field of consciousness expansion and psycho-spiritual wellness, here: https://ancestralmagi.com

Our primary compound of focus are beta-carbolines and Stard, our meditation supplement has been receiving excellent reviews. Our two other oneirogens are Mang (Lucid Dreaming Supplement) and Haoma (Revelation Aid).

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Very cool. Like the brand. Will check out

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Thanks Scott. We also connected on LinkedIn. Would love to connect over a call soon. Cheers.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Scott Britton

Hey Scott, really enjoyed this. I shot you a note on linkedin, I'd love to connect about what we're up to at www.ogimi.ai

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What’s your take on the connection between consciousness startups and spiritual materialism?

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I think that it will definitely exist in pockets. For example, I think many of these technologies might results in people treating altered states like carnival rides. At the end of the day though, I think increased access to things that help us touch deeper parts of ourselves is a real thing. It's very much in the hands of the seeker to set the context for how they engage with these things

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Someone just invited me to an event at Othership in Toronto. Looks fun, but also just like a rebranded yoga studio.

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I'd say its more akin to hot/cold therapy with breathwork. I think its quite different than Yoga and apparently a great social place to meet people into wellness/mindfulnesss. I'd def check out!

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As in the space just looks like a yoga studio.

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No offence just comic relief. I was accepted for a commercial sales and marketing course myself but got sidetracked


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