Coming here via the Surrender posts, which are wonderful. The topic of your upcoming book seems so relevant to most people. Because for every 'just so' story of a Michael Singer, there are for better or worse countless others who fail to pursue their dream or find tragedy. What about the people that play video games all day and live at home? Most of them will not found spiritual empires.

Since you do such a great job answering comments (thanks for that, and for writing!), there are two questions at the top of my mind:

1) We'd likely agree that central to existence at all is a notion of "God" or "The Tao" or whatever you'd personally like to call it, in our lived experience. But then how to hear the voice of God if you've never heard it before and don't have it speaking to you directly in your daily life?

2) What do you think about evil? Do you believe it exists and can lead conscious beings away from truth? If it does, should it then be resisted and not surrendered to?

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Thanks Ryan. I really appreciate the kind words and support.

Here’s some quick thoughts on your questions:

The inner voice, divine connection whatever you want to cool it, emerges through consciousness purification. For me it was first experienced in a psychedelic experience, than gradually through transformational practices. I describe this evolution in my book and I’d be happy to send you a draft. If I was working towards this, I would just focus on creating the conditions for it to emerge naturally by working on healing my subconscious. My post on patterns outlines the main ways i’ve worked with this https://blog.scottbritton.me/p/how-to-release-and-transform-the

I’ve been thinking a lot about this. I think evil is just a form of self interest. There are some people who prioritize their own self interest at the massive detriment of others. Some know it’s bad, and others legitimately think it’s the best for all. In both cases, the core problems are ignorance and a lack of safety. If people were in touch with their deeper, loving essence this type of behavior wouldn’t occur. It’s why uplifting consciousness is the solution to our worlds problems IMO.

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Sweet - books are super tough to write; happy to spend some time going thru the draft if you'd like: mezzo_skill0d@icloud.com and try it out. The questions "who is this that [X]" is one I've already been using - super helpful in the moment.

As for evil, it strikes me if there is an infinite cosmic Good (God) then there necessarily is a Cosmic Evil - why else would the world be in the shape it is? Blaming it on "self interest" feels strange - why should anyone focus on their self in the first place, and why should your own goals put you at odds with anyone? Genesis describes the 'knowledge' of good and evil as the origin, and that somehow feels right to me. Our desire to transcend our nature of what we really are (an infinitesimally small piece of a giant puzzle) and build our version of 'good.' Time and life *are* sacrifice with each choice cutting off someone else in someone's interest - that it should be your own or someone else's feels almost irrelevant. To wit, if lots of people 'serve others' selflessly (like fighting in a ware and dying) that act may be self-sacrificial and therefore 'good' in a personal behavior sense, but still 'evil' if the consciousness or idea animating it is 'evil.'

Anyway - a bit of a ramble; I've found that the elevated consciousness types end up not tackling evil, which may be - in some eschatological point of view - totally fine. Who cares whether the expansion takes millions of years or hundreds. But it feels totally inadequate to address the existence of every day evil - from theft, to robbery, to rape, and the actual, real life crimes we can face today.

And that takes on a whole new spiritual dimension as your kids experience it.

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Appreciate your willingness to help! Right now I’m focused on revising from a previous draft so good on feedback atm.

My take on self interest is that ignorance of what self actually is, is the root cause of it.

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They say, Light attracts Light and this post found me when I am exactly at the juncture of all you have described. I am blessed too that my previous professional life cushioned my journey from the financials and skills I could use in my creative work presently. I have been shown to also write a book but now, I am stuck still. The split focus is not serving me well, in fact my anxiety level shot up as I stare into the blank paper. I had too may topics to narrow from. Is it going to be a consciousness book, or stories from my past, or a satire to the clown world i see outside of me, man so many! But a beautiful download as i took my early morning walk washes me (again information is Light) surrendering to not knowing is where the downloads enter. Somehow I was given this experiences to clear my old limiting beliefs to give way of all the new packets of data that i can now use as my muse. Thank you brother. All the Best in ALL you do! As we heal, we grow. Om Shanti :)

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Thanks for reading Amrita! No doubt the book writing path is one that wonders and benefits from resting in the uncertainty. I'm excited for you. Sounds like the process is helping your growth. I know mine has : )

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Great update Scott. Everything in the post except Qi gong resonated deeply with me. I’m more on the yogic path which is all about perceiving and experiencing the world as energy (Shakti) as well. Would love to talk about it someday. Love and blessings to your daughter. Waiting to read your book. Take care!

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Different words, pointing to the same thing! Thanks man and hope you are well!

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Looking forward to seeing the end product - always been fascinated by people who dedicate themselves to one pursuit for an extended period of time. In a world where quick wins are often prioritised, it's refreshing to see someone committed to playing the long game. Good luck!

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Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words and support. It def feels like a long game, but I enjoy it which makes it fun to continue to play : )

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I like the idea that inspiration is a part of the One intelligence. I absolutely agree.

I’m glad I found your wave in the massive internet sea.

All the best to you and your family. 🤍

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Thanks Alexa! I appreciate the kind words. I think you articulated the source of inspiration quite well here : )

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Awesome man, keep up the great work and excited to hear more about the book. And definitely agree about the intention for writing a book, I've felt similarly compelled to write because, well, it needs to be written!

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Thanks man! And that’s awesome. What’s your book going to be about?

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The meditations that have most influenced me :)

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Thanks for this, the book sounds compelling and the links to your qui training and the masterclass were quite interesting, I'll probably be signing up for one or both of them soon myself.

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Aug 27
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That’s a cool frame I hadn’t heard before. Thanks for sharing!

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Aug 19
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I'm sorry it comes off pompous to you. That definitely wasn't my intention. I am just sharing the truth of my life.

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Aug 19
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Thanks so much Marion! I appreciate your support immensely

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