Listening now (just 19 minutes in) and stuff is coming up, so I thought I would comment.
It feels like an ungentle approach, just stop doing it. But that doesn't take into account what's underlying why the human is engaging with suffering. Why there's holding onto clinging. Why you're maintaining an identity.
He seems to be saying, it's just so simple. You're suffering. Stop thinking.
It's sort of like what an ex-boyfriend told me when I was sitting deeply with feelings that were like my internal alarm system saying this whole scenario is off (there was a codependency going on in that relationship, and I'd lost my sense of internal sovereignty). While that was going on, he told me that he has chosen that when something "negative" arises, to just turn it off, just stop thinking. That wasn't my choice, but he tried to put it on me, and it added the third or tenth arrow or whatever to what I was feeling, because he completely made no space for me to have feelings or process.
From my own inner guidance path of accessing a consistent inner voice conversation, I've never been told "stop thinking". Rather I bring the pain down and say all that it is. Then what comes is a deeper understanding, so all these instances of triggering and suffering have been used to come to much greater understanding. The closest that came to being told to "stop" was probably a few weeks ago when I awoke at night crying about not belonging in my family, and inner voice explained that there was holding a victim state, and that victim state is not loving. My mind was seeing it as sort of "they're wrong; I'm in the right", like a "self-righteousness" thing. But when that message came with love, there was increased understanding. From that understanding, I chose to let go of the victim state. Then all the suffering was gone immediately, and energy returned to my body. But I didn't stop the story prior to that to just stop feeling suffering.
One of my biggest breakthrough sessions last year was about how the ego is rooted in love -- that at the root of why ego is held is entirely love. That was so shocking and freeing, and more to write about when it's ready. But the point is that when you just try to stop what you're doing, it often doesn't work, because the very deep root reason you're doing that is actually love. And we're here to love.
I'm not saying there's no truth whatsoever in what he's saying. It feels like a message that could be relevant to some people, especially when they are new to the journey and have very little awareness. Sort of like a starting point or something. And like he said "stick", it's sort of like a stick approach that might resonate well with some people, but for me it feels like another reason that multiple approaches are needed, because I feel called to bring a much more gentle approach.
I definitely hear you Eva. Peter is an incredibly evolved person and he makes it seem so simple. Maybe it was/is for him, but know it hasn’t been for me and many others. It reminds me of a conversation with a teacher who said many people are transmitting information from 12-D consciousness, expecting people in 3-D to understand. I’m not saying this is Peter explicitly, but you get the gist.
I also love your point re: the ego’s prerogative being from love. It’s a pretty profound realization that it’s sole intention is to help us, it’s just doing that from a place of ignorance. Parts work and IFS helped me grasp this really clearly
Scott, thank you for hearing me. I have been listening to a lot of your podcast in the past few months, as it's starting to be aligning to hear from others on the journey (versus the monk-like experience I've been going through for the past few years).
It's a great point how those transmitting from a more evolved state can struggle to relate with those who aren't there. The farther I've come in my own evolution experience, the more I relate to the challenges of someone like Jesus, for example, who shared such a basic level, at least to the masses, of what it appears he was actually understanding and living. I don't know Peter's story aside from what was shared on your podcast, but it's my experience so far that those who went through "instant enlightenment" seem to teach aspects of what they experience but don't necessarily make a path for others to make that same leap (because they experienced it as more of an "accident", as I heard from Jac O'Keefe).
In my own journey, I'm running a multi-year experiment of evolving into enlightenment slowly, step by step, sovereign choice after sovereign choice, via direct inner guidance through voice-recorded conversations with the inner being. These conversations can involve quite a lot of deep explanation (often mind-blowing!), so it's enabling an enormous amount of understanding about how things really work that's fine tuned to my exact context and readiness to receive on the human level.
This leads to an ability to sovereignly choose from the embodied human awareness, based on understanding, not blind following.
What's developing is a deep experiential knowing of the being from listening so much (I'm 1000+ conversations in!) and there's an increasing experience of being the being through the human acting, not a separate awareness as a human trying to be guided by a separate awareness of the being. It's one nerve from the brain to the finger.
I had a breakthrough in realization in December after one particularly freeing session in which the being took full 100% responsibility for every action that occurred via ego, which I had previously been holding away in shame, seeing it as the ego did it, so it's the ego's responsibility to fix. But with the being saying, we're who did it; we're who did everything, even what was filtered through the ego, I let it all go, and I've experienced a stable level of realization since -- every time I check in it's still the awareness that we are who is through the human acting, writing this comment 💗 .
I'm fascinated by your share about the ego's prerogative being from love, solely here to help us -- it's actually not at all what I was referring to. But I've noticed that there are quite a few different definitions of "ego" running around, so we may not necessarily be talking about the exact same thing. My definition of ego is "the concept of a human that is separated from source". This ego itself is not at all loving -- it's grasping and taking, and trying to build up identity as if it were an "I". But the awareness itself is always in love; thus, the awareness maintains the ego out of love, until it is complete.
Thanks for this deep share Eva. I tend to agree that teacher’s who experienced an instant enlightenment due to their karma often provide a less defined how to for others.
It seems like you might be well positioned to do something like that. I’m sure you’ve thought about this : )
I'm a former apprentice of Ralston, I've been studying with him for over 6 years now, and just wanted to thank you for doing the interview with him.
I have not found anybody alive even close to being as profound as him and his work, and because of this I really want more people to hear about him. He does not care about marketing at all. He is over 70 now and I would be very sad to see him pass away before a wider audience can hear about his work. It changed my life and I'll be forever grateful for him.
Wow that’s amazing Viktor. What a gift that you have gotten to study with him for so long. I agree that he is a hidden gem, under the radar. It was a great gift to experience his wisdom and energy, and I am def considering attending one of his events in Texas. Hope to see you there
Listening now (just 19 minutes in) and stuff is coming up, so I thought I would comment.
It feels like an ungentle approach, just stop doing it. But that doesn't take into account what's underlying why the human is engaging with suffering. Why there's holding onto clinging. Why you're maintaining an identity.
He seems to be saying, it's just so simple. You're suffering. Stop thinking.
It's sort of like what an ex-boyfriend told me when I was sitting deeply with feelings that were like my internal alarm system saying this whole scenario is off (there was a codependency going on in that relationship, and I'd lost my sense of internal sovereignty). While that was going on, he told me that he has chosen that when something "negative" arises, to just turn it off, just stop thinking. That wasn't my choice, but he tried to put it on me, and it added the third or tenth arrow or whatever to what I was feeling, because he completely made no space for me to have feelings or process.
From my own inner guidance path of accessing a consistent inner voice conversation, I've never been told "stop thinking". Rather I bring the pain down and say all that it is. Then what comes is a deeper understanding, so all these instances of triggering and suffering have been used to come to much greater understanding. The closest that came to being told to "stop" was probably a few weeks ago when I awoke at night crying about not belonging in my family, and inner voice explained that there was holding a victim state, and that victim state is not loving. My mind was seeing it as sort of "they're wrong; I'm in the right", like a "self-righteousness" thing. But when that message came with love, there was increased understanding. From that understanding, I chose to let go of the victim state. Then all the suffering was gone immediately, and energy returned to my body. But I didn't stop the story prior to that to just stop feeling suffering.
One of my biggest breakthrough sessions last year was about how the ego is rooted in love -- that at the root of why ego is held is entirely love. That was so shocking and freeing, and more to write about when it's ready. But the point is that when you just try to stop what you're doing, it often doesn't work, because the very deep root reason you're doing that is actually love. And we're here to love.
I'm not saying there's no truth whatsoever in what he's saying. It feels like a message that could be relevant to some people, especially when they are new to the journey and have very little awareness. Sort of like a starting point or something. And like he said "stick", it's sort of like a stick approach that might resonate well with some people, but for me it feels like another reason that multiple approaches are needed, because I feel called to bring a much more gentle approach.
I definitely hear you Eva. Peter is an incredibly evolved person and he makes it seem so simple. Maybe it was/is for him, but know it hasn’t been for me and many others. It reminds me of a conversation with a teacher who said many people are transmitting information from 12-D consciousness, expecting people in 3-D to understand. I’m not saying this is Peter explicitly, but you get the gist.
I also love your point re: the ego’s prerogative being from love. It’s a pretty profound realization that it’s sole intention is to help us, it’s just doing that from a place of ignorance. Parts work and IFS helped me grasp this really clearly
Scott, thank you for hearing me. I have been listening to a lot of your podcast in the past few months, as it's starting to be aligning to hear from others on the journey (versus the monk-like experience I've been going through for the past few years).
It's a great point how those transmitting from a more evolved state can struggle to relate with those who aren't there. The farther I've come in my own evolution experience, the more I relate to the challenges of someone like Jesus, for example, who shared such a basic level, at least to the masses, of what it appears he was actually understanding and living. I don't know Peter's story aside from what was shared on your podcast, but it's my experience so far that those who went through "instant enlightenment" seem to teach aspects of what they experience but don't necessarily make a path for others to make that same leap (because they experienced it as more of an "accident", as I heard from Jac O'Keefe).
In my own journey, I'm running a multi-year experiment of evolving into enlightenment slowly, step by step, sovereign choice after sovereign choice, via direct inner guidance through voice-recorded conversations with the inner being. These conversations can involve quite a lot of deep explanation (often mind-blowing!), so it's enabling an enormous amount of understanding about how things really work that's fine tuned to my exact context and readiness to receive on the human level.
This leads to an ability to sovereignly choose from the embodied human awareness, based on understanding, not blind following.
What's developing is a deep experiential knowing of the being from listening so much (I'm 1000+ conversations in!) and there's an increasing experience of being the being through the human acting, not a separate awareness as a human trying to be guided by a separate awareness of the being. It's one nerve from the brain to the finger.
I had a breakthrough in realization in December after one particularly freeing session in which the being took full 100% responsibility for every action that occurred via ego, which I had previously been holding away in shame, seeing it as the ego did it, so it's the ego's responsibility to fix. But with the being saying, we're who did it; we're who did everything, even what was filtered through the ego, I let it all go, and I've experienced a stable level of realization since -- every time I check in it's still the awareness that we are who is through the human acting, writing this comment 💗 .
I'm fascinated by your share about the ego's prerogative being from love, solely here to help us -- it's actually not at all what I was referring to. But I've noticed that there are quite a few different definitions of "ego" running around, so we may not necessarily be talking about the exact same thing. My definition of ego is "the concept of a human that is separated from source". This ego itself is not at all loving -- it's grasping and taking, and trying to build up identity as if it were an "I". But the awareness itself is always in love; thus, the awareness maintains the ego out of love, until it is complete.
Thanks for this deep share Eva. I tend to agree that teacher’s who experienced an instant enlightenment due to their karma often provide a less defined how to for others.
It seems like you might be well positioned to do something like that. I’m sure you’ve thought about this : )
Hi Scott,
I'm a former apprentice of Ralston, I've been studying with him for over 6 years now, and just wanted to thank you for doing the interview with him.
I have not found anybody alive even close to being as profound as him and his work, and because of this I really want more people to hear about him. He does not care about marketing at all. He is over 70 now and I would be very sad to see him pass away before a wider audience can hear about his work. It changed my life and I'll be forever grateful for him.
Hope to see you one day down in Pipe Creek!
Thank you again and best regards,
Viktor Balogh
Wow that’s amazing Viktor. What a gift that you have gotten to study with him for so long. I agree that he is a hidden gem, under the radar. It was a great gift to experience his wisdom and energy, and I am def considering attending one of his events in Texas. Hope to see you there