New Stuff: Community, 100+ Book Spiritual Library, & Guided Practice + Meditations
Some updates on benefits for paid members
Hello amazing human!
I’ve been writing about consciousness on the internet for just over a year.
Here’s what I’ve observed:
There’s a lot more people going through major spiritual transformation processes than I expected
Many people are going through this experience without much community or peer support
Lots of people have a strong desire to live a more integrated life with their spirituality, relationships, and careers, but aren’t sure how
As I stated before, 99% of the people going through spiritual transformation can’t talk to 99% of the people they know about it.
I’ve been pretty heads down writing a book, but I’ve just passed off a draft to my editor which has given me some space to make some progress on some things I’ve been wanting to do for awhile including more for readers of this newsletter that want to go a bit deeper.
Starting this month I’m going to begin hosting monthly Zoom gatherings for paid subscribers. My goal is to foster meaningful connections and stimulate helpful conversation as we all try to uplift ourselves.
I’m not sure what the format is, but I’m going to propose a few different call styles to paid subscribers shortly and allow people to vote on what they think would be most helpful.
I’m approaching this as an experiment so I imagine the format will evolve based on feedback from participants. If the group call turns out to be meh, we’ll try something else.
I don’t know what this will become, but some type of live interaction seems like a good starting place for more intentional community.
Open Sourcing My Spiritual Curriculum
A few people recently have indicated how helpful some book recommendations I’ve made were.
I’ve always been an avid highlighter and built this habit of creating book reports for myself that include the top highlights, notes, and major takeaways so I can apply the information to my life.
I’ve aggregated all of my book reports on over 100+ books on consciousness, metaphysics and spiritual evolution in a library that contains reviews, descriptions, notes, highlights, and more. You can see a tour of the spiritual library here:
I’m making available to all paid subscribers as well as curated learning tracks for various topics like:
Learning To Surrender
Mind-body connection / psychosomatic health
Inspiring stories
Working with unconscious patterns (coming soon)
Conscious business (coming soon)
Classic wisdom texts (coming soon)
Creativity (coming soon)
My goal with the learning tracks is to save people a ton of time (and money) by highlighting the most impactful books and materials I’ve read on the topics, in priority order.
Over time, I’m going to continue to expand the library and include other forms of media like best podcasts, courses, and online programs I’ve come across.
Although each of our journeys is very unique, I’m hoping compiling some of the best stuff I’ve encountered can help you help you as you navigate your own journey.
When you subscribe to paid, you’ll get the password emailed to you. I’ll be sending an email out to existing paid subscribers with the password shortly.
Meditation / Practice Library
I’ve tried many, many different practices over the years and arrived at an ecology of 3-5 main practices I use regularly depending upon what is needed in the moment.
I’ve created recordings for 3 of these practices that provide instructions and shortened versions you can listen to on a daily basis.
These focus on:
Transforming unhealthy mental and behavioral patterns (samskaras)
Communing with your intuition (higher self)
It’s my experience that if you just do these things consistently for the next year, you will see profound change in your life.
When it comes to meditations and contemplative practice, I’m more of a depth vs. breath advocate.
I’ve received the most benefit from doing a handful of practices many 100’s or even 1,000s of times vs. moving from shiny object to shiny object. Though the structure of practice each day is the same, the inner journey when you sit is always vastly different which makes it so enriching.
Recordings of these will be available to paid subscribers and I will be recording the remaining staple practices that I have not created yet soon which include how to do self-healing on the body, pray for your intentions, and some basic parts/IFS work.
What You May Have Noticed By Now
All this stuff is for paid subscribers.
For those who are already paid subscribers, I am very grateful for your support. Hopefully, you will find these additional offerings helpful.
For the past year, I’ve happily spent many 100s of hours and thousands of dollars creating content for free. I plan on continuing to create free content every week, but I also want to do a lot more and uplevel the quality of everything I’m doing.
To do this I need to work towards making this a more sustainable endeavor that at least pays for itself and offers a very compelling value add for paid subscribers.
To help with this and support the more substantial offering, I am increasing the price from $5 a month to $7. If you can’t afford that but earnestly need access to something mentioned, please email me.
If you don’t feel called to go paid, I’ll still be doing weekly posts and podcasts that will be available to all free subscribers : )
I am grateful for you
When I started writing about this stuff and coming out about this part of my life I didn’t really know what would happen.
Would people think I’m nuts? Would colleagues in the business community distance themselves from me?
For the most part, all I’ve received is a ton of support and kindness! One thing I’ve learned is you don’t really end up hearing much from the people who it doesn’t resonate with.
I am incredibly appreciative of you and consider it a great joy to share my explorations of these topics.
I look forward to continuing to do so and if you have ideas on how I might be able to better serve you as a reader, please do let me know by responding to this email or in the comments!!!
If you like my writing, feel free to click the ❤️ or 🔄 button on this post so more people can discover it on Substack 🙏
I think this is a wonderful idea! I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes . thank you
I love how you are able to organize your thoughts/highlights from books you've read to be easily accessible -- are you willing to share the app you use or did you create your own system? Thanks!